Agile story points planujące w pokera
W pociągu w przedziale siedzi pięciu facetów. W pewnym momencie wpada gość w garniturze i mówi: - Który z Panów ma IQ powyżej 120, zapraszam na partyjkę pokera. Jeden z facetów wstał i poszedł z gościem w garniturze. Po paru minutach wpada gość w marynarce i mówi:
Planning poker, also called Scrum poker, is a consensus-based, gamified technique for estimating, mostly used to estimate effort or relative size of development goals in software development. Agile estimation with story point can be done with help of Planning Poker (Tm) technique. Likewise, the team should agree that a five-point story is roughly twice as much work as a two-point story. In story point estimates, it does not matter if your estimates are correct or incorrect as long as team arrives to a shared understanding on a user story. We will talk about this and many other aspects of estimation in coming posts. Ostatnio, pisząc dla Was o Magic Estimation, mimowolnie wspomniałem o Planning Pokerze. Macie ochotę na odrobinę hazardu dzisiaj? W tym wpisie w kilku zdaniach postaram się opisać, jak grać, aby wycisnąć z tej metody najwięcej wartości. Porównując je ze sobą możemy określić relatywny rozmiar jednej historyjki w stosunku do drugiej przypisując im punkty (story points). Oczywiście, ma to zastosowanie nie tylko w stosunku do historyjek użytkownika, ale też do wymagań sformułowanych w dowolnej innej formie. Poker is any of a number of card games in which players wager over which hand is best according to that specific game's rules in ways similar to these rankings.Often using a standard deck, poker games vary in deck configuration, the number of cards in play, the number dealt face up or face down, and the number shared by all players, but all have rules which involve one or more rounds of betting.
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story points Agile; aby wycisnąć z tej metody najwięcej wartości. Gotowe zestawy do Planning Pokera można kupić np. tutaj: https Acceptance Criteria adaptacja agile agile coach agile manifesto backlog coach coaching DISC DoD DoR empiryzm estimation fail Feedback fibonacci inspekcja kanban kryteria akceptacji manifest Manifesto Pointing Poker. Welcome to pointing poker (aka planning poker )! Online, virtual and co-located agile teams use this application during their planning/pointing sessions to effectively communicate points for stories. 29-04-2014
Planning Poker uses of the Fibonacci sequence to assign a point value to a feature or user story. The
Story points and planning poker. Teams starting out with story points use an exercise called planning poker. At Atlassian, planning poker is a common practice across the company. The team will take an item from the backlog, discuss it briefly, and each member will mentally formulate an estimate. Planning poker, also called Scrum poker, is a consensus-based, gamified technique for estimating, mostly used to estimate effort or relative size of development goals in software development. Agile estimation with story point can be done with help of Planning Poker (Tm) technique.
21 Sep 2015 Story points and velocity are probably the most well known tools for estimation in Agile environments. They are the basis for predictability with
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